Criminal Law

Berk, Jon and Jainchill, Michael C. Connecticut Law of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage. 2nd ed. West Hartford, CT.: Atlantic Law Book Co., 1993. Kept current with annual pocket parts. Current.

Borden, David M. and Orland, Leonard. Criminal Jury Instructions, 2nd. ed. St. Paul, MN.: West Group, 1986.

Bruckmann, Joseph G.; Nash, G. Douglas; and Katz, Joette. Connecticut Criminal Case Law Handbook: A Practitioner’s Guide. Fairfield, CT.: Connecticut Law Tribune, 1989.

Quick reference guide to the latest case law, beginning with the October 1983 Supreme Court Term.

Fisher, Timothy. Connecticut Law of Check Fraud. West Hartford, CT: Atlantic Law Book Co. 1991.

Softbound or hardbound with forms, charts, and glossary.

Kelly, John J.; et al. Statutory Requirements Regarding Maintenance and Dissemination of Criminal Records in Connecticut, 3d. ed. Hartford, CT: Chief State Attorney’s Office, 1987. Looseleaf.

Check with Chief State Attorney’s Office to find out the most current edition and ordering information.

Marano, Richard. Connecticut Criminal Legal Forms. Hartford, CT: Atlantic Law Book Co., Current.

O’Brien, John J. Defending DWI Cases in Connecticut, 2nd ed. West Hartford, CT: Atlantic Law Book Co., Current.

Orland, Leonard. Superior Court Criminal Rules. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1999.

Spinella, A. Paul. Connecticut Criminal Procedure. West Hartford, CT: Atlantic Law Book Co., Current. 1 volume, looseleaf.

Comprehensive treatise on criminal practices and procedures in Connecticut. Kept current with periodic supplementation.