New Connecticut Bibliography Home

Connecticut Bibliography

The Connecticut Bibliography is primarily a guide for establishing Connecticut law firm libraries. The exact titles purchased are determined by the physical size and location of the office (including proximity to other law libraries), areas of specialization, financial resources, and computer literacy and comfort among practitioners. Within those parameters, access should be readily available to Connecticut’s state statutes, regulations, case law, court rules, and appropriate treatises. Office access can be provided in the form of books, online databases, and/or CD-ROMs. The precise titles and formats depend on the individual situation. For a further discussion of these considerations, please refer to the article, “Setting Up a Law Office Library, or , Where Does One Begin?” by Dorothy McCaughtry. (Connecticut Lawyer, March 1995, v.5:6 p.16.)

The Connecticut Bibliography is organized in the following sections:

Connecticut practice

Legal research and legislative information

Specialized practice publications

Statutes and regulations

Case law


Digests and citators

Page last updated: 29 January 2019